The cost of a dimpleplasty varies by geographic location and by surgeon. Many people have natural dimples in their cheeks or chin, and some love them, but there are some who don’t. A dimpleplasty is a procedure for those who want dimples, but don’t have them. So, what exactly causes a natural dimple?
A dimple is a dermal attachment that can occur in the chin or the cheeks. In the chin, the dimple can be static or only appear when a person animates their face while cheek dimples most always appear when smiling. This happens because the rest of the skin moves over the muscle, but the dimple is attached and the muscle action creates a pucker.
How is dimpleplasty done?
A dimpleplasty is done through a small incision in the skin where we tether the dermis down to the deep tissues. In doing so, we create an attachment such that when the other muscles move, the tether creates a dimple.
Does it last forever?
If a dimpleplasty is effectively done, the dimple will likely last forever. It is possible that the scar tissue will release a little bit which will cause the dimple to be more shallow. The request for dimples is not a request that I get very often.
For a successful dimpleplasty, the patient and the surgeon have to be on the same page, being realistic about what can be done and what can’t be done. This is why a consultation is necessary prior to surgery. It’s a pretty simple procedure that can be done in the office with minimal anesthesia.
I’d love to talk to you about this or anything else that concerns you, and I’d love to see you in the office to do a consultation with you either in person or virtually. Call my office or email me.
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About Dr. Jonathan Sykes
Dr. Jonathan Sykes is a world-famous expert plastic surgeon who performs all cosmetic and functional plastic surgery procedures on the face and neck. He is a past president of The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and served on their Board of Directors for over 10 years. He is also a Professor Emeritus in Facial Plastic Surgery from UC Davis Medical Center, and the former Director of Facial Plastic Surgery at that institution.
He is known as the expert’s expert, and is often called to consult and advise other plastic surgeons in both Northern California and Beverly Hills. He has a special interest in eyelid and browlift surgery, facial rejuvenation surgery including facelifts, and rhinoplasty. He also has a particular interest in facial feminization surgery. Have questions? Email Dr.Sykes at: [email protected]