It is perfectly normal to have a lump or bump after getting dermal fillers, however, it’s important to make sure that the doctor or specialist you choose is as experienced and knowledgeable as possible to help ensure the best result.
Typically, within a day or two, you might feel an irregularity around sites of injection, typically in areas where the skin is thinner, such as the lips or the lower eyelids. Lumps or bumps in the lips are more common because we have a lot of these little bumps anyway. There are hundreds of minor salivary glands on the inner aspect of your lip. When we put filler there, we get bigger ones. Bumps might even appear in the cheeks of those who do not have a lot of protective subcutaneous fat.
Are you are interested in dermal fillers? Fill out our online form or call us at our Beverly Hills or Sacramento offices to schedule your personal consultation at Sykes Plastic Surgery.
Do these bumps from fillers go away?
Bumps from fillers usually go away, but not always. Massaging the area is helpful in reducing the bumpiness, but for bumps that won’t go away, I use a little dissolving agent called hyaluronidase. It dissolves hyaluronic acid, but keep in mind that not all filler is made from hyaluronic acid, such as Radiesse, which cannot be dissolved.
How long do the lumps last after fillers?
Bumps can last anywhere from a few days to a week or a few weeks. I prefer to give my patients the chance for the bumps to go away on their own before dissolving them because it’s an extra expense for us and the patient.
Bumps are uncommon, but they’re not abnormal. They happen. If you have a question regarding filler, call me, email me, or come in to see me. I’ll be glad to give you a consultation, either over the phone or in my office, and I’m glad to consult with you on anything else relating to the face.
About Dr. Jonathan Sykes
Dr. Jonathan Sykes is a world-famous expert plastic surgeon who performs all cosmetic and functional plastic surgery procedures on the face and neck. He is a past president of The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and served on their Board of Directors for over 10 years. He is also a Professor Emeritus in Facial Plastic Surgery from UC Davis Medical Center, and the former Director of Facial Plastic Surgery at that institution.
He is known as the expert’s expert, and is often called to consult and advise other plastic surgeons in both Northern California and Beverly Hills. He has a special interest in eyelid and browlift surgery, facial rejuvenation surgery including facelifts, and rhinoplasty. He also has a particular interest in facial feminization surgery. If you are interested in Dermal Fillers at Sykes Plastic Surgery, call our Beverly Hills or Sacramento offices, or fill out our online form today to schedule your consultation.
Meet Jonathan Sykes, MD
Double Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
A renowned leader and award-winning educator in the field of facial plastic surgery, Dr. Sykes served as the Director of Facial Plastic Surgery at the University of California, Davis Medical Center for over 30 years. He is considered one of the top facial plastic surgeons in the world. Having performed live demonstrations of his cutting-edge techniques in over 15 countries, Dr. Sykes received the prestigious William Wright Teaching Award from the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.